Kamis, 21 Mei 2015

Was Rolls Royce really used for garbage disposal & city waste transportation in India - The True Story!

There are many variants of this anecdote, after careful investigation, best sources of books and newspapers point to the following story. In the other variants of a similar story the king is believed to be the Maharaja of Patiala (Bhupinder Singh), Nizam of Hyderabad, Jai Singh Prabhakar or the Maharaja of Bharatpur. All the pictures related to this story circulating on the internet are fake as no photos of those cars were ever made.

One day, Maharaja of Alwar was walking in casual Indian dress in Bond Street, London. He saw a Rolls Royce showroom and went inside to inquire about the price and features of their cars.

Considering him a just another Poor Indian citizen,

showroom salesmen insulted him

and told him he is wasting his time. After this insult, Maharaja came back to his Hotel room and asked his manager to call the showroom that Maharaja of Alwar is interested in purchasing few Rolls Royce Cars.

After few hours Maharaja reached the Rolls Royce showroom again but with his full astonishing royal manner and in his royal costume. This time he was welcomed warmly and all the salesmen were bent with respect. Maharaja purchased all the seven cars that they had at showroom at that time and paid full amount with delivery costs.

After reaching India, Maharaja ordered municipal department to use all those seven Rolls Royce cars for cleaning and transporting city’s waste. World’s number one Rolls Royce cars were being used for transportation of City’s waste, the news spread all over the world rapidly and the reputation of Rolls Royce Company was in drains.

Due to such reputation damages, they sent a Telegram to the Maharaja for apologies and requested to stop transportation of waste in Rolls Royce cars. Not only this but they also offered repair and other services free of cost. Maharaja finally acceded and stopped using them for municipal department.

The photo of car on the left which is used in most stories on the internet is not even a Rolls Royce. Also the brooms shown in the photo were commonly used at that time to protect the tires from any shrapnel or other sharp objects on streets.

The car used in the photo and also in one video to back the story is actually a Ford model of 1930s as shown in the 2nd photo on the left.

The cars that were used in garbage disposal is claimed to be currently standing in vintage car museum of Udaipur.

Another story: It is about Maharaja of Bharatpur. He always bought three automobiles at the same time. Once Rolls-Royce company denied him mechanics to fix faults in his old cars. Like the Maharaja of Patila he issued a threat to convert his cars into garbage carriers. The car-maker promptly sent a group of mechanics to Bharatpur to sort out the faults.

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Selasa, 19 Mei 2015

Antibiotic treatment: an alternative to appendicectomy/Appendectomy surgeries for acute appendicitis!

Every year millions of people with appendicitis
are rushed into emergency surgery---this is about to change!

 Most think that if the appendix is
not immediately removed, it will burst — with potentially fatal

Now some doctors say there may be another option: antibiotics.

Five small studies from Europe, involving a total of 1,000 patients, indicate that antibiotics can cure some patients with appendicitis(Click here for the research article); about 70 percent of those who took the pills did not require surgery (appendicectomy).

Of these patients, even those who later had to go for surgery had no increased complications.

 Many emergency specialist surgeons are optimistic about it:

studies seem to indicate that antibiotics can cure appendicitis in many
patients; you at least have the chance of avoiding surgery altogether.”

Dr. David Flum and others want to compare the results of antibiotics and surgery.

By suggesting an antibiotic alternative, the researchers are bucking longstanding medical tradition.

Little Background:

treatment for appendicitis began in the 1880s, when surgery itself was new. Doctors struggled to figure out which patients
to operate on, because the procedure was dangerous and they knew some
patients would get better without it.

As surgery and anesthesia
improved, however, the appendectomy became the treatment of choice.

A little Science:

It made sense; for
years, doctors thought the appendix — a tiny worm-shaped tube that
hangs off the right side of the colon — became inflamed because it was
blocked by a small piece of hardened feces. As it turns out, though, the
vast majority of people with appendicitis do not have such a blockage.

one knows what causes appendicitis,”
said Dr. James Barone, a retired
chairman of surgery at Stamford Hospital in Connecticut and Lincoln
Hospital in the Bronx.

An inflamed appendix is not a ticking time bomb, as people like to believe.
While perforation occurs in 15 percent to 25 percent of patients,
researchers hypothesize that those who get perforations may have a
predisposing immune response or infection with certain kinds of bacteria. In others, appendicitis goes away on its own. Interestingly enough even the time that an appendix is inflamed is not necessarily linked
to the risk of perforation. Most people with a ruptured appendix already
have it when they show up in the emergency room.

Role of Antibiotics:

Surprisingly enough, this is not even the first time they are being considered as possible alternative to an appendectomy.

antibiotics became available in the 1940s, doctors in England
began giving them to patients with appendicitis and reported excellent
results. During the Cold War, when American sailors spent six months or
more on nuclear submarines prohibited from surfacing, those who
developed appendicitis were given antibiotics.

“Those submariners did great, and no deaths or complications were reported,” Dr. Flum said.

that did not put a dint in the perception that surgery was the
treatment of choice.

In 1961 a Russian doctor stationed in Antarctica,
Leonid Rogozov, went so far as to cut out his own appendix when it became inflamed.

is already a debate in the medical field over whether to tell patients
about the antibiotic option, and if so, which patients to tell.

Interesting Little Story:

Redelfs, a 40-year-old man (in washington), woke up with abdominal pain a few years
ago. An emergency room doctor told him that he needed immediate
surgery for appendicitis.

But Mr. Redelfs was uninsured, and he told the surgeon that he had read online that antibiotics might be a viable alternative.

“Once he found out I didn’t have insurance, it was easy to talk him into prescribing me antibiotics,” Mr. Redelfs said.

felt better almost immediately. But six months later, Mr. Redelfs felt a
twinge in his abdomen and returned to the hospital. This time, he had

He was told that he had appendicitis again, he opted for surgery. “I wanted the peace of mind,” he said.

Important related link: http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/781798_4

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Genes or the Enviroment (Age-old nature nurture debate almost finalizes)

How much our genes or environment takes part in our development has been calculated by a meta analysis of 5 decades
of twin studies. 


In a study published recently, an international team of researchers shows an almost 50-50 split in the influence of
genes or the environment on the development
of various human traits.

The finding, published in Nature Genetics, is based on a review of 2748 studies involving 14 million twin pairs from across 39 countries.

The twins involved in the various studies ranged in age from 18 to 64 years.

Co-first author Dr Beben Benyamin (in photo above) says:

"there was some controversy and differences in terms of how
much of the variation [in traits] is due to genetics and how much is due
to environment,"

He says the team, including Dutch and American researchers, looked at all published twin studies to answer this puzzle.

Benyamin says while identical twins are genetically the same, non-identical twins share 50 per cent of their DNA.

The researchers were able to determine the contribution of genetics
and the environment on the trait by measuring how similar various traits
are between identical twins and non-identical twins.

"If the trait is genetic then you would expect identical twins will
be more similar than the non-identical twin. The more similar an
identical twin to a non-identical twin then we can infer the trait is
largely due to the genetic factor," 
says Benyamin.

For all traits, the average genetic influence was 49 per cent while the environment accounted for 51 per cent.

"We were amazed the number was so close to half," admits Benyamin.

However, he says, this is an average figure and some traits are more or less influenced by genes.

For example:

*schizophrenia is 70 per cent the result of genetic influences and 30 per cent environmental.

 *social values are shaped by around 30 per cent genetics, and
70 per cent socio-economic factors.

The researchers also found almost 70 per cent of the effect of genes on a trait is additive.

This means that where hundreds of genes are involved in a trait, such as height, each gene has a tiny cumulative impact.

"So for example in height one gene might add one centimetre, the next gene a half a centimetre," Benyamin says.

This finding has implications on the design of gene mapping studies,
says Benyamin, as it enables researchers to adopt the correct modelling.

"We comprehensively reviewed everything in the literature of twin
studies — and we found everything is inherited, but the degree to how
much the genetics contributed varies between traits and phenotype."

Since the birth of psychology, the psychologists have been fighting over the share of nature or nurture in the development, as illustrated below showing different psychological models and their viewpoint.

Tags: identical twins vs fraternal twins loans for twins twin lawyers
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Rabu, 13 Mei 2015

World's First Surgeon ever in the history to perform Surgery on himself (Self Operation)

Evan O'Neill Kane  was a surgeon in Pennsylvania. He is the first person in the known history to have ever undertaken a self-operation and not just one; he did 3 operations on himself at different times of his life (btw this is no longer a recommended way to get famous). First one was a minor finger amputation in 1919. The most famous of his operation is that of appendectomy in 1921 which he did on himself under local anesthesia because he wanted to undergo the procedure from a patient's perspective. He performed the surgery with the help of mirrors using standard instruments of that time. This helped him to have better understanding of the perspective of patients who could not be given general anesthesia for this operation. He also performed another, and even more dangerous, surgery at age of 70 on himself, that of inguinal hernia repair but it didn't receive much media attention (well you never know, what these crazy media reporters are really after!!). He recovered from all his surgeries successfully.


Leonid Rogozov is another name and the one whose accomplishment is even more remarkable than that of Evan O'Neill Kane because he not only performed the surgery himself but also thousands of kilometers away from any medical hospital or facility and with very limited instruments and resources. He was a soviet general practitioner and the only doctor stationed at the Novolazarevskaya Station in 1961. While there, he developed appendicitis. The nearest Soviet research station was more than 1,600 km from Novolazarevskaya and severe blizzard conditions prevented aircraft landing. After his condition kept on deteriorating he decided to perform the famous appendectomy on himself with the assistance of a driver and a meteorologist (that should be guiness world record for non-medical personal assisting surgery) Anyways the surgery was a success and he lived happily everafter. Not actually, life isn't a fairy tail, though he recovered completely but later died a natural death obviously!

Tags: unbelievable facts world facts animal facts hard fact animal facts human facts accidents world record dictionary sex facts fastest strongest longest dangerous horrible love and romance facts surgery medical wonders operations appendectomy amputation antarctic